Thanks for helping us our with constructing our CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 Memorial Bracelets and dog-tags.
CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 is a program initiated by the Duluth Police Department (Duluth, Minnesota) in response to the inordinate number of police officer "line-of-duty" deaths thus far this year. The impetus for the program occurred when our profession experienced eleven (11) tragic police officer deaths in a 48 hour period, Nation-wide. Only one major news station (FOX) carried any significant coverage about the tragedy of our fallen compatriots so, our agency decided to do something to draw attention not only to these tragic deaths, but to the ultimate sacrifice many have made this year to protect our citizens.
For the remainder of 2011, numerous officers within our agency have dedicated to wearing either a stainless-steel bracelet or a dog-tag, created by your company, with the name of a fallen-hero officer, the name of their respective agency and the EOW date (end-of-watch) in remembrance and reverence of the service of these brave men and women to GOD and Country, to recognize their courage and ultimately, their sacrifice for those who need our protection.
Additionally, we send a letter to each of the officer's agencies to introduce our CARRY THE FALLEN program and offer our condolences and to let them know, WE EACH carry the loss of a fellow Law Enforcement Officer and will WILL REMEMBER these heroic individuals as we carry their names on our memorials throughout the year.
Thank you for your prompt and professional service and for being a part of helping us honor our fallen.
Lieutenant Scott R. J
Duluth Police Department Uniform Division
Duluth, Minnesota
Thursday, December 15, 2011
For Steven Gutowski
Just ordered a KIA Bracelet for SPC Steven Gutowski, KIA 28 SEPT 2011 in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, in Support of OEF. Steve was a brother in arms and grew up the next town over from me in Southern MA. Hadn't seen him in years as he went Active and I was Guard. Coincidentally we both ended up working out in the same province. I had a great time catching up with him in August; I was flying out for reassignment, he for leave, we ended up on a bird together. A month later as I am flying home for leave, I recognize a patch, and asked the kid if he knew Steve, how was he doing...and got the news. Ill never forget.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
For my Uncle William Franklin "Sonny" Silver, Jr.
I ordered two Memorial Bracelets today in memory of my uncle who was KIA May 13,1969 in Thua Thien S Viet Nam. One for myself and one for my mother- his sister. Though he has been gone from our lives for a long time, he will live in our hearts forever...he is our hero. We will miss him until we see him again. RIP William Franklin "Sonny" Silver, Jr. ♥
Lisa G.
For POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
I ordered an updated bracelet for SGT BOWE R. BERGDAHL
Please help spread the word and help get our "Boy" home!!!!♥
Doni H.
Doni H.
Sunday, November 06, 2011
My Big Brother

I got my Memorial Bracelet in the mail a few days ago, it was well worth the wait. It's great, looks perfect, and I just love it!! I can't wait until the day I don't have to wear it anymore, but in the mean time it's such a perfect way to do any little thing I can to support my big brother through his second tour in Afghanistan. Thanks!! God bless!
Kourtney Cay H.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
For CPT Mark Garner
I just looked up a Memorial Bracelet of a friend I went to school with, CPT Mark Garner. I didn't know Mark especially well, but I knew him enough to know that he was a great person and a great soldier. I remember going to his funeral in our hometown in 2009, and I remember how upset it made me.
Like I said, I didn't know him that well but I knew him and went to the same school, we were even in JROTC together. I guess being a veteran myself and knowing the sacrifices so many have made firsthand and knowing so many others who served in Afghanistan just made it that much more intense for me. I hope his mother (who was also my high school biology teacher) and his wife don't mind me wearing a bracelet in his honor.
Kathy B-A
Like I said, I didn't know him that well but I knew him and went to the same school, we were even in JROTC together. I guess being a veteran myself and knowing the sacrifices so many have made firsthand and knowing so many others who served in Afghanistan just made it that much more intense for me. I hope his mother (who was also my high school biology teacher) and his wife don't mind me wearing a bracelet in his honor.
Kathy B-A
For Jessica Ellis
I just ordered a Memorial Bracelet for a young friend who was killed in Iraq. I did not know there was such a thing until I read an article about Jessica Ellis in the Idaho paper. I will wear this bracelet with honor and think of Jessica and her family. Jessica was a lovely young woman who is missed. God bless her family and all the families who have lost someone in this war and God bless all the men and women who are still deployed and keeping our country safe. Thank you.
Sharon S.
Sharon S.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
For the Soldier who Died on the Day of My Birth
I was born On October 4th 1968, and have been studying the Viet Nam war at ASU for the last 2 years. I have always had an affinity for Viet Nam Veterans and the service men that lives were lost in Southeast Asia. I would like to think it would be a fitting tribute to commemorate someone who gave their life for freedom, on the day when I was born free. On the day of my birth, that coincides with the loss of an American Soilder, a paying of respect to a solder that died on that same day is an appropriate tribute.
Adam C.
Adam C.
Friday, August 12, 2011
For my son Spc. Kelly J. Mixon
His mother and I met while stationed in Stuttgart West Germany. We met and had a small fling just before I left for Alabama. I only found out he was my son about 4 years ago. I got the chance to tell him about his family on my side, about me, my job ... you get the picture. Anyway, I got the chance to talk to him as he was trying to enter the Marine Corp.
He chose the Army for various reasons. He signs up, and gets chosen for "Sniper School". He graduates youngest in his class, and my understanding of it was that out of 70 something, he finished 12 or 14th. He goes to Afghanastan, gets in a "Stryker Unit. (I work at Anniston Army Depot. We built and rebuilt the tanks used over there). Well anyway, he goes on a sweep of some area there. He and his medic dismount the vehicle and a suicide bomber runs up and ignites his vest. My son and the son of another grieving family were killed instantly. I wish I could have met him, and talked to him face to face and not just over the phone. It would have been cool to have been able to hang out with him for just one day.
I'll will wear his Memorial Bracelet until the day I can meet him face to face.
Thomas V. U.
I'll will wear his Memorial Bracelet until the day I can meet him face to face.
Thomas V. U.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
For CWO James Larry Phipps
I still have my copper bracelet from 1972. The one I ordered from your website will have the same name "CWO James Larry Phipps". Last year I assembled & dedicated a POW/MIA white table for the VFW Post where my husband is Commander. I was inspired by memories of 40 years ago and the name on my bracelet who I called my soldier. I will treasure my new bracelet just as I do the copper one.
Thank You,
Deloras J.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
For Sgt. Rodney Griffin and PFC Michael C. Roell
I received my POW/MIA bracelet when I was about 12 or so in 1970. Years later, I was going to a community college near where I live and met a guy whose brother was killed in Vietnam. In the early 1990's, I was in DC and I was able to get him and his mother an etching each. They didn't know that I was going to do that and they both were surprised and extremely grateful. Very recently, I became interested in whether my guy, Sgt. Rodney Griffin, 5-2-70, ever came home, and he hasn't. No remaines yet, either. I also stumbled upon your wesite and I order a KIA bracelet in the name of PFC Michael C. Roell, the brother of the guy I knew at college. I just wanted you to know that after all these years, I haven't forgotten about either one of them, and I don't think I ever will. Thanks for reading my message and for having this website. God bless, Dorinda
Saturday, June 25, 2011
To Bring Bowe Bergdahl Home Safely
I am wearing a Memorial Bracelet to show my support for Spc. Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured in Afghanistan. He is the same age as my son and favors him a lot. Same blue eyes, complexion, size.. I cried when I seen him standing next to his captor, so young and vulnerable. God bless him and keep him safe, and bring him home quickly.
For those that lost their lives on 9/11
I was inspired by a woman who I saw on TV. She donned a bracelet for someone who was fighting in the Viet Nam war. They had written letters back and forth, and she promised that she would never take it off until she met him. Well, 40 years later she had the honor of putting the bracelet on his military jacket as they laid him to rest. I had a bracelet back then too, but I wasn’t as vigilant as she was, and I am ashamed of myself for it.
9/11 was such a tragedy, and I want to show support for those who lost their lives as well as support for the families. I don’t know if I will get any information about this person who is on my bracelet to let them know that I am wearing it for their family member.
Andrea D.
For Sgt Willard Robert Ryan
Just got two Memorial Bracelets one for myself and one for my Brother John, to remember and honor our Father.. Sgt Willard Robert Ryan who gave his life in vietnam. Mom was pregnant with John , my sister was two ..I was one. Mom had a breakdown that lasted her lifetime. Dad regardles is my Hero, not drafted , but volunteered to fight for what is right. Freedom . The Dog tag will never come off my body ... I honor my Father from within every day that I I have a way to honor him on the outside so that others may see, and inquire and I can tell his story. Thank you to the people who make these precious memorials.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
To Show My Support More Visibly
I am a 9 year Navy Vet, and served as a Hospital Corpsman from 1981-1990. I was medically retired (HM1) from a knee injury.. I served with the 2nd Medical Bn for 4 years, as well as duty at a naval hospital and aboard ship. I am now practicing as a Chiropractor (10 years) in Putnam CT. I worked at the Newington VA Hospital for about a year and a half (Chiropractor) and continue to support our troops and vets. I’m not sure who PO Montgomery was (HM or other) but I wear a Memorial Bracelet because I wanted to be able to show my support more visibly.
Dr. Frederick B.
For Pfc. Donald Lyle Elliott
This is my childhood friend Marine Pfc. Donald Lyle Elliott who was KIA in Vietnam at Mutter's Ridge hill 484 on August 10, 1969. In this picture, I placed his photo at the wall. I am also wearing his Memorial Bracelet on my right arm. The left is for a friend Marine Pfc. Kevin C Hanley.
Friday, June 03, 2011
For SPC Jose A. Torre
SPC Jose A Torre was an extraordinary person. I had the honor of serving with him in Fort Leonardwood Missouri when he and I were first entering into the military in 2008. We were the same platoon, the same squad, and slept in neighboring barracks bays. Torre was an exemplary soldier, often setting a standard by which we all tried to meet. In training he was quick to absorb all details and many times was able to help other soldiers in understanding new subjects. When I was his squad leader, Torre was always there with fresh ideas and tactics, and was great at bringing moral up. I came to love Torre as a brother, as we all did. His death struck a deep chord in everyone who knew him and I will carry his memory close to me with this Memorial Bracelet.
For My Wife's Brother Lost in Nam
I have a very strong love for our country and a deep respect for the people who have given us what we have today. I was drafted in late 1972, reported, but was rejected and was hurting that I could not do my part. When I hear the national anthem, it always brings a tear to my eyes, every time! I read about men clutching an old flag or even a small piece of it and it also brings tears to my eyes. I just recently got married and have found out that my wife lost her brother in nam, it is hard for her to even think of it. He was a navy medic and did not live long upon arriving there. I told her I would love to do the run to the wall and be part of this wonderful dedication. As of yet have not been able to do so, but when I got to your site I seen the bracelets etc., that one could get. With out hessitation I placed the order and told my wife that at least I could do this. I will wear it as long as I live for him and all who have given the ulitimate sacrifice and for those also who have return. GOD BLESS AMERICA and the men and women who cared enough to do what they did. Thank You !!! Steve P ST.Augustine florida
Saturday, May 28, 2011
For Pfc. Colton Rusk
My daughter, Whitley, will be graduating from Orange Grove High School on June 3rd. When she was taking senior pictures she wanted to take a picture of her bracelet she wears to honor one of her best friends, Pfc. Colton Rusk, who was killed December – 2010. Colton was a 2009 graduate of OGHS and was the big brother she always wanted. Thank you for honoring our soldiers.
Tammy H.
For Vincent Saracini
I have a Memorial Bracelet for Vincent Saracini, the pilot whose plane hit the South Tower of WTC. I previously had one for Andrew Fredericks, a fireman killed at the WTC. Mr. Fredericks' bracelet was made of brass I think and tarnished. It was no honor to him and I had to get rid of it, but fortunately I ordered and will receive a red one for him. This 9-11 is the 10th anniversary and I hope there is a lot of participation to honor all the innocent victims.
Doris P.
For SFC James E. Thode
I wear a Memorial Bracelet for SFC James E. Thode of NM. He was a true NCO and leader of Soldiers. I served with him for two deployments and am honored to be able to say I knew him. May he rest in peace, and may his family feel comfort from God.
SSG Philip R Walker
118th Sapper Company
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine...
- From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook
- From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook
The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the courage of the men who defend it.
- Genghis Khan (1162-1227)
- Genghis Khan (1162-1227)
An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass.
- George Washington
- George Washington
For SFC Randy Johnson
I just placed an ordered with Memorial Bracelets for my best friend that I lost Sept 27 07. His name was Randy Johnson. I went into basic training and met him there. We did AIT together and almost got the same orders for the first three years of my enlistment. We got seperated when I changed my post. We had lost contact for a few years, until I was stationed at Ft Jackson. I was a garrison MP at the time. I got a call about a shop lifter. And when I pulled up to the P.X, I ran into him after to years of a phone call here and there and a letter from time to time. I lost touch during my tour in Afghanistan. I ETS'ed out of the Army in 05 after 16 years of service. I would time from time check causality reports, and on October 3rd I saw his name. After the shock wore off, I still have that whole in my heart for Frank and the other 5,000 or so of my other brothers and sisters lost in the past 10 years. After Frank passed, I tried to reenlist. Which was denied because of my PTSD diagnosis. Thanks for the oppertonity to share my story.
For Larry Spencer POW
In April 2011, I purchased dog tags with Larry Spencer's name on them to hang from my mirror in my car. In 1973 when I was in 2nd grade, my Mom bought and gave me a cuff bracelet with Larry Spencer's name on it. I wore it everyday and hoped he'd be released and be okay. One day I lost the bracelet. All these years went by and I always remembered his name and wondered if he was released and felt bad about loosing the bracelet. I'm 43 years old now and I just kept thinking about him for some reason so I looked on the internet and not only found your website but I found out that he was released (many years later) and that he is still alive! I was very happy to find this out (my Mom too). So thank you for having this site and for helping those who put their lives on the line for our country. Lisa S. San Diego, CA |
Saturday, May 21, 2011
To Never Take For Granted Life or Freedom
Each generation of my family has served our country, in almost every branch of our military, all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Memorial Bracelets are an excellent way to show how proud I am of ALL who serve. People notice my bracelet wherever I go, and ask about it. I tell them how important our freedom is, how fragile life is, and that they should never be taken for granted.
For a Soldier to Express My Gratitude To
I purchased the Memorial bracelet for my father -in-law. It is inscribed with his nephews name. We are planning to take him to the memorial in DC because I found out that he always wanted to go to see it. I thought just for the experience. While making arrangements I found out through another family member that it is specifically for his nephew. I thought while we are there it will be a nice rememberence and gift to present him with the bracelet after we locate Joe's name on the wall. If I could afford more, I would just pick out a random name and wear it with pride. When people asked me who it was, I would tell them a soldier I don't know, but it's one of the many people whom I wish I could express my gratitude to. That it would be nice if everyone cold wear a bracelet, if only just for a little while, so we never forget and always be thankful for what we have and how we got it. J. Fountain-Baltimore.Md. |
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
For Two Killed Aviators
When I was a baby, my mom and dad bought a bracelet at a fundraiser for a Soldier MIA during the Vietnam War. The original bracelet was lost however, I found out the Soldier's name and rebought one which I'll put on my Stetson.
I wear one for two Aviator's who were KIA in a helicopter crash two years ago from my Squadron. I plan on getting another one for my Dad's friend who was KIA in the Vietnam war. I wear these bracelets to remember them; because if I don't, who will?
I wear one for two Aviator's who were KIA in a helicopter crash two years ago from my Squadron. I plan on getting another one for my Dad's friend who was KIA in the Vietnam war. I wear these bracelets to remember them; because if I don't, who will?
For SSG Curtis Oakes
I ordered 2 black Memorial Bracelets, one for my husband and one for me, both with the same name on them. We have not received them yet, they were just mailed out today, but here is why we ordered. The soldier on our bracelets is SSG Curtis Oakes. Curtis and my husband were both stationed in Korea together and then when they were sent back to the states they were both stationed at Ft. Campbell. I never in all the time that I knew Curt thought that I would be ordering a bracelet with his name on it. He was a dear friend to both my husband and me. He was one of 6 soldiers killed in Afghanistan on November 29, 2010 when an Afghanistan cop turned around and opened fire on them. Curtis was a great friend, father, and husband he treated people like he wanted to be treated. Curtis touched the lives of many people. I don't think that I ever met anyone that didn't like Curtis. I feel privileged to have been able to be part of his life, and to have him be part of mine. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of him. And now we will be wearing our bracelets to keep his memory alive, and to keep him close to our hearts.
Amy T.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
In Honor of My Great Uncle
I chose to order this bracelet in honor of my Great Uncle. He flew for the Royal Canadian Air Force during WWII. He was a Wellington Bomber Pilot with the 142 Squadron. It was thought that he was MIA all these years, but after some extensive research, I discovered that he was actually KIA on 9 Nov, 1942. His bomber was hit by flak over the Hamburg (Ohlsdorf) Cemetery, where he is now buried with his crew.
To Remind Me Of Who I Am
The first one I have worn for 8 years now is for a soldier who died on a mountain that I spent two weeks patrolling in Afghanistan. The one I just ordered is for a battle buddy from my first tour in Kandahar. I wear these Memorial Bracelets because they are links to the memories I have of my service now that I am out. It is a link to the pain I feel each day. It reminds me of who I am.
For the CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 Program
Rob & Company;
Thanks for helping us our with constructing our CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 Memorial Bracelets and dog-tags.
CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 is a program initiated by the Duluth Police Department (Duluth, Minnesota) in response to the inordinate number of police officer "line-of-duty" deaths thus far this year. The impetus for the program occurred when our profession experienced eleven (11) tragic police officer deaths in a 48 hour period, Nation-wide. Only one major news station (FOX) carried any significant coverage about the tragedy of our fallen compatriots so, our agency decided to do something to draw attention not only to these tragic deaths, but to the ultimate sacrifice many have made this year to protect our citizens.
For the remainder of 2011, numerous officers within our agency have dedicated to wearing either a stainless-steel bracelet or a dog-tag, created by your company, with the name of a fallen-hero officer, the name of their respective agency and the EOW date (end-of-watch) in remembrance and reverence of the service of these brave men and women to GOD and Country, to recognize their courage and ultimately, their sacrifice for those who need our protection.
Additionally, we send a letter to each of the officer's agencies to introduce our CARRY THE FALLEN program and offer our condolences and to let them know, WE EACH carry the loss of a fellow Law Enforcement Officer and will WILL REMEMBER these heroic individuals as we carry their names on our memorials throughout the year.
Thank you for your prompt and professional service and for being a part of helping us honor our fallen.
Lieutenant Scott R. J
Duluth Police Department Uniform Division
Duluth, Minnesota
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
For Air Force Member MIA in 1965
I just received my Memorial Bracelet today. I chose the name of a member of the Air Force who was declared MIA in 1965 because for 10 years I lived in Salem, two towns over, and I have wonderful memories of living in the area. This young man never got to experience the beauty, fun and joy of living in this wonderful ocean side community. I felt that I owed him that much, to honor his memory.
My ex-husband is a Vietnam Veteran, who was Military Police in the Air Force, and suffers from PTSD. The Vietnam war, and the resulting PTSD, was the major cause of the dissolution of our marriage. I now belong to Soldier's Angels, and have "adopted" a soldier serving in Afghanistan. Ironically, he is in the National Guard, in the Military Police. I wanted to wear a bracelet to honor the soldiers who fought in Vietnam, as I always honored, and still do, my ex-husband, and to also honor those who are serving now. I will wear the bracelet as a reminder of all those who did not come home, in hopes that all those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan currently will all come home. I will pray for and honor them all "Until they all come home."
When will we learn the folly of war and that no one comes home the same..........
Esther Ann
For Megan Mcclung
It has been a couple years, but it starts out as a long story from the newspaper. I would never have known her personally in a million years, but one of the reasons why I bought this Cuff Memorial Bracelet for Megan Mcclung was that the story when I first heard about it on the news, it got thrown at me like a ton of bricks.
Although I am not related to her, the report itself tears me up from the inside and I have not even got the chance to get over her death. I was shocked at least for about the last two months of 2006, and the next year after, 2007 I was very much poor broken hearted man. At first, she was a very very beautiful lady, had I met her in person, I believed I would have gone straight to heaven with her on that day. Secondly, she reminded me of my sister's age. They both had the same personality, same great looking lady, almost identical interests, etc….. That is why I have been very close to her up till this day, somehow managed to take care what is left of her soul.
Since than, I have somehow developed a intimate relationships even she is already gone and I would happily give up everything I have in possession to show that I always care for her very deeply. I also wearing now because to open up the sore wounds that I have inside me to other people as a reminder. I wish I was there to experience firsthand what happen to her on that day. Now looking back as I thought about it, I really felt that I should be out there protecting her more than all the boys who fought this war.
That is why this means a lot to me as a person which felt society has already forgot about females who's voice has already been shut out of the crowd and I am giving myself a chance to her voice.
My Scars run deeper than the messages that I am writing to most of you out there who are diligently reading it on a day-to-day basis. Megan Mcclung is truly a very very fragile rose. She in my view is one type of the girl that is very hard to find in this world, so I suggest that you stop taking her for granted and pretending that killing her off like a pig would not matter to you.
For Two Lost Firefighters
We lost two fellow fireman within a week of each other!! One from cancer and the other from a car wreck!! We were wearing silicone bracelets in their honor but had to take them off because apparently when exposed to heat they put off a toxic gas!!
Billy M.
Denison TX Firefighter/Paramedic
Billy M.
Denison TX Firefighter/Paramedic
Saturday, April 09, 2011
For Bowe Bergdahl
My father was stationed at Dover AFB in the early seventies and I was an ARMY brat! Anyway, when the first POW/MIA bracelets came out I had to have one. Total cost 2-3.00 dollars then. I was in the 6th grade. I went to the house they were selling them at and bought one. Halfway home I realized I had a Pfc. So I took it back and traded it for a Captain..James Mulligan. Long story short my DAD ...SFC William Brantley Edwards was very unhappy with me for taking my PFC back. He said that the PFC was probably going through more hell. Long story short I wore my bracelet till Capt. Mulligan came home then I mailed it to him. Never heard from him which was fine.
But my DAD, I owe him a PFC...I started praying for Bowe when I saw his story last summer...didn't know the bracelets still even existed so I am sooo very happy to get this do over!!!! Much wiser now..and Dad's smiling down from heaven I am sure, we lost him last August. Thanks for the opportunity!!!!
But my DAD, I owe him a PFC...I started praying for Bowe when I saw his story last summer...didn't know the bracelets still even existed so I am sooo very happy to get this do over!!!! Much wiser now..and Dad's smiling down from heaven I am sure, we lost him last August. Thanks for the opportunity!!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
For the Sacrifice of Veterans

I purchased a Memorial Bracelet to show that I will never forget my fallen brothers and sisters. I served in Afghanistan in 03/04, and while my unit made it home whole, so many didn’t. I run a veteran awareness organization, and I want people that I interact with to see that I wear my pride and honor in their sacrifice. I am home and able to help other veterans because of their willingness to put their life on the line for the safety. That’s why I ordered my bracelet.
Paul F. R. Jr.
For Donald Lyle Elliott
Pfc. Donald Lyle Elliott grew up in the same neighborhood, only a few houses apart. I used to wander the neighborhood and about 5, I walked up the street and he was playing in his front yard. We began playing together and eventually went thru the Cranston , RI school system until he left in 1965.
There was an empty lot across the street from his house and we would play for hours in the tall grass. We did boy stuff like catching frogs and turtles in a nearby pond. We played cowboys and hid and seek. One day, we drew blood and became “blood brothers”. As kids so often did, we promised to be friends forever.
I never knew where Donnie went, but in late 1969, news went through the neighborhood that Donnie was KIA in Vietnam . I was stunned and after my father told me, I went to my room and cried. I denied that news for years but never forgot him. This past January, I was told he moved to Massachusetts , I researched the wall and found his name there.
I have been grieving since that time. I posted a memorial page on my web site for Donnie, and I am certain it may take an awful long time for the pain of his death to subside.
I ordered my braclet to honor my friend Donnie. I remember drawing blood from my right wrist when we became “blood brothers” and it is on that wrist that I wear his bracelet. I wear another to remember a classmate Kevin Carroll Hanley. Both of my friends were U.S. Marines and both were KIA only days after their 19th birthdays.
I made a promise to both Donald and Kevin to wear these bracelets for the remainder of my life. I have stipulated in my will that upon my death, they remain on my arms as an eternal reminder of the love between three friends. Donnie and I promised to be friends forever, and I will fulfill that promise.
The bracelets are beautiful and it helps to remind me of the losses of our finest during that terrible war. To all those men and women who died in Vietnam , and for those who served and still carry the emotional scars, may our Almighty Creator watch over you. You have my deepest respect and gratitude.
Monday, February 28, 2011
For CDR Frank Green
To this day I have the first POW/MIA bracelet i received. It is plated copper and through the years it stressed and broke in half. He has the same sir name as i do. I now wear a stainless one for CDR. Frank Green, 07-10-1972.
Ron A.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
For Staff Sergeant Sandy Sanderlin
I always wore my POW/MIA bracelet and never took it off until 1975...Staff Sergeant Sandy Sanderlin...I still have my bracelet. I never heard anything and have always wondered and like others....felt very close to him. I went to the Viet Nam Wall in Washington and found a name very similar to his, I think he died. I tried to find family throughout the years and never did. I would love to give the bracelet to someone in his life to know he was not know that I always cared for him.......
Mary W.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
For Lt. Barton Creed
I wore a bracelet with the name Lt. Barton Creed for many years. It was a source of many debates with my family who thought it was too much to wear. I still have it. Lt. Creed was MIA. Recently a friend went to the VietNam Memorial in DC and brought me back a rubbing of Lt. Creed's name.
Marianne C.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Because Freedom is Never Free
While on active duty, the Freedom Flight with the POWs landed, I was able with the help of ground crew and medical staff, locate the exact bird the person whose name was on my bracelet was on. I was able to give him the bracelet with his name on it and explained exactly what the bracelet had meant to me and others who wore them. It was not long before everyone was wiping our eyes to remove the tears that had found their way to each of us that late afternoon.
Today, I still wear three bracelets, one for James Atlee Wheeler (17 April '65), another which list each name of those from Arizona on it and one for Michael Scott Spiker, (although his remains have been repatriated I wear it in honor of all who died in Desert Storm) I recently was able to give another one I wore of Capt. (Col now) earl Hopper Jr, who perished in '65, I was honored to know his father Col Earl Hopper Sr for several decades before his passing. I gave Earl jr's bracelet to his brothers who survived Jr after all these years and who was recently buried at the National Cemetery in Phoenix, AZ.
NEVER FORGET these brave men and women, ALWAYS REMEMBER WHY they are no with us today and that FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE, there is ALWAYS a price to be paid for it!
Iam R.
Monday, February 21, 2011
For USAF Col. Burriss N. Begley
Back in the 70s, I had a POW/MIA bracelet. Somehow it got lost through the years. When I found the website, I was so excited. I now, thanks to you, wear a POW/MIA Bracelet with the name of the same man on it. I never forgot his name. When I first had the bracelet, he was on the MIA list. I have since learned he was killed. His name is Col. Burriss N. Begley, USAF, Dec. 3, 1966, North Vietnam. Somehow I feel very close to him after all these years.
Thank you so much for allowing me to continue wearing Col. Begley's name on my wrist.
Lana G.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
For my husband who served in the Iraq war
I wear my Memorial Bracelet to honor the man that was my husband. He served in Iraq in 2005 to 2006, and was a damn good soldier and a great father to our daughter. Sadly, the stuff that happened in Iraq was too much for him and he comitted suicide in 2007. I will miss him everyday I take a breath.
Heather M.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
For CPL Andrew Hutchins
My name is MAJOR David Admire. I'm an Occupational Therapist stationed at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital at FT Campbell KY. I met CPL Hutchins in my clinic after he fell off a guard tower last year and broke his wrist. He was evacuated back to the States and had surgery to fix the fractured bone. He worked extremely hard in therapy, pushing himself, striving to get back to his unit and contribute to the mission. He never complained about the pain in rehab and was always positive and supported the efforts of other guys that he met in the OT clinic with encouraging words and a motivated - "leading from the front" example. When he was finally cleared by his orthopedic surgeon to redeploy he was happy to finally be able to return to his unit to do his duty. He could have easily gotten out of the deployment, but that wasn't Hutchins' style.
On November the 9th, 2010 I was in my office at the hospital at 0730, answering early morning emails and taking my first sips of coffee, when one of my NCO's came in and asked if I'd heard about Hutchins. When I told him that I hadn't, my SGT related to me how he'd heard on the radio that a CPL Andrew Hutchins had been killed by small arms fire in Afghanistan. I did a quick Google search of the mornings news and in fact found that the Andrew Hutchins that had worked so hard to rehabilitate his wrist had been shot and killed the day before in a fire fight.
I was stunned. All I could do was sit and stare at the headlines on the computer screen. Even before this horrible news, Hutchins was going to be one of those guys that I would never forget due to his amazing attitude and work ethic, not to mention his remarkable recovery from wrist surgery.
Later that day I made up my mind that I needed to honor the memory of Hutchins in some way. When one of my patients showed me a Memorial Bracelet that he had for another fallen hero, I knew instantly what I had to do. A few days later, I checked the website and found Hutchins' name and vowed to order the bracelet.
I received my bracelet with CPL Andrew Hutchins' name engraved on it yesterday and immediately slipped it onto my wrist. I have a feeling that it is going to be a part of me for a very long time.....probably for as long as his memory is a part of me.
Rest in peace Hutchins.
MAJ David Admire
On November the 9th, 2010 I was in my office at the hospital at 0730, answering early morning emails and taking my first sips of coffee, when one of my NCO's came in and asked if I'd heard about Hutchins. When I told him that I hadn't, my SGT related to me how he'd heard on the radio that a CPL Andrew Hutchins had been killed by small arms fire in Afghanistan. I did a quick Google search of the mornings news and in fact found that the Andrew Hutchins that had worked so hard to rehabilitate his wrist had been shot and killed the day before in a fire fight.
I was stunned. All I could do was sit and stare at the headlines on the computer screen. Even before this horrible news, Hutchins was going to be one of those guys that I would never forget due to his amazing attitude and work ethic, not to mention his remarkable recovery from wrist surgery.
Later that day I made up my mind that I needed to honor the memory of Hutchins in some way. When one of my patients showed me a Memorial Bracelet that he had for another fallen hero, I knew instantly what I had to do. A few days later, I checked the website and found Hutchins' name and vowed to order the bracelet.
I received my bracelet with CPL Andrew Hutchins' name engraved on it yesterday and immediately slipped it onto my wrist. I have a feeling that it is going to be a part of me for a very long time.....probably for as long as his memory is a part of me.
Rest in peace Hutchins.
MAJ David Admire
Saturday, January 08, 2011
For an American Hero
The reason I ordered and wear a Memorial Bracelet is for the Hero on the bracelet. I had met the Hero some time before following an IED blast for another Hero. We would see each other around the FOB and even share a meal and small talk. Unfortunately, I had the honor to respond as the Medevac flight-medic that day and be with him until the end holding his hand. I see him every time I close my eyes.
SSG. Keith F. EMT-P
F Co 2/135 AVN Medevac
FOB Farah
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
For SP4 Gary R. Hinther
I got my Memorial Bracelet just after christmas, for a member of my father's family. SP4 Gary R. Hinther USA June 29, 1968 SVN, from Montana. I am very happy with it. I just wanted to thank you! This is a wonderful way to remember the ones that have faught for our country, but never made it home. This way at least their memory lives on & we can take our family members with us where ever we go.
God bless America!!!! We are strong, proud & will always protect our freedom.
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