Sunday, May 08, 2011

For the CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 Program

Rob & Company;

Thanks for helping us our with constructing our CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 Memorial Bracelets and dog-tags.

CARRY THE FALLEN 2011 is a program initiated by the Duluth Police Department (Duluth, Minnesota) in response to the inordinate number of police officer "line-of-duty" deaths thus far this year.  The impetus for the program occurred when our profession experienced eleven (11) tragic police officer deaths in a 48 hour period, Nation-wide.  Only one major news station (FOX) carried any significant coverage about the tragedy of our fallen compatriots so, our agency decided to do something to draw attention not only to these tragic deaths, but to the ultimate sacrifice many have made this year to protect our citizens.

For the remainder of 2011, numerous officers within our agency have dedicated to wearing either a stainless-steel bracelet or a dog-tag, created by your company, with the name of a fallen-hero officer, the name of their respective agency and the EOW date (end-of-watch) in remembrance and reverence of the service of these brave men and women to GOD and Country, to recognize their courage and ultimately, their sacrifice for those who need our protection.

Additionally, we send a letter to each of the officer's agencies to introduce our CARRY THE FALLEN program and offer our condolences and to let them know, WE EACH carry the loss of a fellow Law Enforcement Officer and will WILL REMEMBER these heroic individuals as we carry their names on our memorials throughout the year.

Thank you for your prompt and professional service and for being a part of helping us honor our fallen.


Lieutenant Scott R. J
Duluth Police Department Uniform Division
Duluth, Minnesota  

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