Monday, July 24, 2006

For Sgt. Michael J. Kelley

I just received my Memorial Bracelet and it is great. It fits well and I am so honored to wear it. I ordered a bracelet for Sgt Michael J Kelley from Mass who was killed in Afghanistan June 8,2005. He was under my husband's command while stationed at Otis Air force base in Otis, Ma. I met him when I would drive onto base. Always a pleasant and professional man who loved his country. Sgt Kelley is greatly missed by my family although we only knew him a short time. 

Susan S.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Freedom Is Not Free

I wear my bracelet as a constant reminder that freedom is not free

Monday, July 17, 2006

9-11 Is Very Personal For Me

I was a career volunteer/paid-on-call firefighter and EMT in PA and MA last serving in Northampton County, PA during 2002. I trained at Randalls Island (FDNY) through their weekend courses and knew some of those FDNY killed at the WTC. I also Worked In Mid-Town Manhattan untill 2002 and knew some of the civilians that were killed. Lastly, Ralph Kershaw, killed on Flight 175 from Boston, was a colleague of mine from the days when I lived and worked in the North Shore area of Boston. 9/11 is very personal for me and a watershed event in my life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To Show How I Feel About 911

My reason for this bracelet starts with my lack of emotion for 911. That day completely caught me off guard. I knew that it was terrible. I knew that everyone's lives changed that day. I guess with such an overload of emotion running through me, I couldn't cry. I hated that I couldn't cry, I couldn't make myself cry. I felt that my body needed to cry in the worst way. 2 and 3 years later we all went through the brutal beheadings of innocent victims of terrorism. When Paul Johnson's story came on the news and that he was awaiting execution, is when 911 happened all over again in my heart...I don't know if it was the straw that broke the camel's back or what, but a flood of emotion hit me quite hard that day. That time I felt everything I didn't feel on 9/11 that I should have. My heart broke to see Paul's son on the Today show talking with Matt Lauer begging for his father's life. I decided from that point on that I would not forget Paul Johnson. I know that he was a loved father. I will carry his name proudly on my wrist.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

To Remind Me To Pray For Our Service Men And Women

I have worn a Vietnam POW bracelet for years (I think I got it in 1989) I have been wearing it since the war on terrorism to remind me to pray for our service men and women. I was searching on the internet to see what the status of the person who was named on my bracelet. And in finding that his gear was found and returned to the family I decided to get a new bracelet, I decided to get an Iraqi freedom to be an obvious prayer reminder (plus I love when people ask what the bracelet I am wearing means. I chose someone who was killed on my birthday.

A Way For Us To Have Him Close

I met the soldier, Capt Eric Allton, back when we were teenagers. We quickly became close friends and then high-school sweethearts. During this time, his parents became like my second set of parents. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens, we ended up going our separate ways after highschool, and ended up marrying people we met at our respective colleges. However, we stayed in contact throughout the years (over 15 years), and I've stayed in close contact with his parents as well. Communication over email made it seem like he was just next door -- regardless of whether he was state-side (in the same state where I live), or across the US, or even across the world. Therefore, his death in Iraq has devastated not only his own immediate family, but had drastic effects on my family as well. I've ordered these bracelets for Eric's parents, as a way for them to have him "close", even though he is in Heaven now, watching over all of us.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I Wanted To Show How Strongly I Felt About My Brother And His Mission

I am the brother of a serviceman in the middle east. I wanted to show how strongly I felt about my support for him and the mission that he and his colleagues are involved in. I purchased a bracelet in the early summer and wore it everyday since. Until one evening I realized it had fallen off. I frantically searched for it and couldn't find it. I figured I would not miss it but found myself sitting in front of the computer at midnight that evening ordering a replacement. I had committed to memory the solder who gave his life for his country and ordered a bracelet with his name on it again. I was very pleased when I saw on your site that I could order a larger size. I have had it on since it showed up. It has become a popular of jewelry at my place of employment as many folks have ordered their own for their own very personal reasons.

Thanks again,

I Will Wear One Like My Father's To Honor Those Oversea

My father just received his bracelet the other day. It was extremely well done and a lot nicer than his older one (he had one for a Vietnam MIA that he bought before I was born). My father was never in the military, but has a lot of respect for those that are and were. In our family history is a big part of our lives. He wore the Vietnam MIA all the time to remind him, in case he had a rough day, that the man whose name is on the bracelet had a much worse day than he can imagine. One day in the fall of this year he spoke to me about a man wearing a similar bracelet, but for Iraqi Freedom. He had told me that he would like to retire his Vietnam bracelet for something more recent that he could relate to. That is when me and my mother searched the Internet and came across your website. We felt it was very organized and full of options. When we started searching for names it was an extremely solemn moment. We choose a man who was an officer and lived close to Spotslyvania, VA. Our intentions were to give it to him as a gift for Christmas, which we totally understand that having it in time was not possible. If there is one thing I will never forget in my life is when he read a letter I made for him explaining that we bought him a bracelet, and at that moment he started to cry. It was a very emotional moment for several minutes, considering that I have only seen him cry two times in my life, and this is one of them. I would just like to thank your corporation for the splendid job you people do in making something other people can wear to remember and honor our fallen and missing heroes. Hopefully someday I will wear one like my father's to honor those oversea.

Thank You Very Much,

A Reminder That Nothing Is Greater Than One Who Lay Down Their Life For Others

Although both fortunately and unfortunately, I have the opportunity to bring up good friends whom I served with in the United States Army. I have purchased two so far, but already have friends back home that would like them as well...So I look forward to doing business with your company again. It is a shame to think of how many we have lost, but I find solace in the fact that SO many of us...will never forget them. I wear mine as a constant reminder that our lives are to chance, and that nothing is greater than one who lay down their life, for their country.

May God Bless The USA,

To Keep His Memory Alive In Me

The man's name, 1LT Luke Wullenwaber, on the bracelet was our company executive officer and my first line supervisor. He and I worked, and interacted several times a day together. He was full of energy and always brought a smile to everyone's faces with is jokes, and personality.

He was kill on Nov 16 2004 by a car bomb in Kaladia Iraq. His memory and work ethics are still in our everyday lives. I ordered the bracelet to keep his memory alive in me and to share his attributes with the rest of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Mariens there my actions and a desire to full fill his expectations.

Thanks again

I Wanted To Pay Tribute To One Fallen Hero While Remembering Them All

I grew up with Greg Stajk in Kings Park. We graduated together. Many others I know were lucky to get out...they described their experiences in great detail. Number One was the bravery of the FDNY...Greg lost his life saving others. I know hundreds of other brave souls died helping others, but I wanted to pay tribute to the one I knew while remembering them all.
I keep in touch with his brother...Greg's family is grateful for all the support the world has shown.


I Wanted My Own Memorial To A Fallen Friend

My friend Jay that was killed in the first few days of OIF. I bought the bracelet for my own memory of my friendship with Jay. I served in the same unit with him for five years. I currently keep it on a mantle. I will probably only wear it for special occasions, but I just wanted it to have as my own little memorial to a fallen friend.


I Am A 911 Dispatcher

I was browsing to look at POW/MIA bracelets and didn't know there were ones for 9-11. I am a 911 dispatcher and was a volunteer Firefighter/EMT so I chose a bracelet of a fallen Firefighter from WTC.

Thank you!

I'm A Huge Supporter Of Our Troops

I'm a huge supporter of our troops and thought this was just another way to support them. For Christmas this year instead of buying gifts for my family and friends, I went on line and found a web site that soldiers were listing things that they needed or wanted. I sent four huge boxes of stuff to a group of guys that I have never met. I think we should all support our troops and remember those that have died to help other people.

Thank you for my wonderful bracelet.
