Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I Will Wear One Like My Father's To Honor Those Oversea

My father just received his bracelet the other day. It was extremely well done and a lot nicer than his older one (he had one for a Vietnam MIA that he bought before I was born). My father was never in the military, but has a lot of respect for those that are and were. In our family history is a big part of our lives. He wore the Vietnam MIA all the time to remind him, in case he had a rough day, that the man whose name is on the bracelet had a much worse day than he can imagine. One day in the fall of this year he spoke to me about a man wearing a similar bracelet, but for Iraqi Freedom. He had told me that he would like to retire his Vietnam bracelet for something more recent that he could relate to. That is when me and my mother searched the Internet and came across your website. We felt it was very organized and full of options. When we started searching for names it was an extremely solemn moment. We choose a man who was an officer and lived close to Spotslyvania, VA. Our intentions were to give it to him as a gift for Christmas, which we totally understand that having it in time was not possible. If there is one thing I will never forget in my life is when he read a letter I made for him explaining that we bought him a bracelet, and at that moment he started to cry. It was a very emotional moment for several minutes, considering that I have only seen him cry two times in my life, and this is one of them. I would just like to thank your corporation for the splendid job you people do in making something other people can wear to remember and honor our fallen and missing heroes. Hopefully someday I will wear one like my father's to honor those oversea.

Thank You Very Much,

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