Monday, September 14, 2009

To keep their families in my prayers...

I have worn a Memorial Bracelet in memory of two Royal Australian Air Force pilots who were lost in November 1970. My old bracelet finally wore out and I recently ordered a replacement. While I was waiting for the new one to arrive I learned from the Operation Aussies Home web site that their remains had finally been recovered and identified and that they were finally home after more than 39 years. Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver were the last two Australian servicemen unaccounted for from the Vietnam War and they have now been given the heroes welcome and burial that they so richly deserved.
Thank you for your service gentlemen, you were never forgotten.

Malcolm H.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

To Replace My Old POW Bracelet

I purchased my original POW/MIA bracelet sometime in the 60's while in the Air Force. I wore it for a number of years and then put it away. I came across it about a year ago and started wearing it again. It developed a crack so I ordered a new one with Cmdr. Stanley E. Olmstead, USN on it like the original. I wear the new one now and have put the original away again.


To Remember Buzz Ellison

Even though it's been more than 50 years, I still remember Buzz Ellison. I served with Buzz when he was attached to VA42 just prior to his deployment to VA85. I was an AT and Buzz was one of the few officers that took a real interest in helping enlisted men. One day he arrainged for a few of us to take a short course in TV repair. Over the years that skill has helped be on many occasions. What a great thing for him to do. We'll probably never find out his fate but, that doesn't mean that we should ever forget.
