Sunday, November 17, 2013

For LCPL Ballard

I just purchased my second bracelet from Memorial Bracelets.  I chose Lance Corporal Norman C. Ballard, KIA 30 Jan 68, SVN. He is from my little bitty hometown of Felda, FL. Semper Fi!

Kelli T.

Friday, November 08, 2013

For Major James Fowler

During the Vietnam war I wore the bracelet honoring Major James Fowler who was POW/MIA. Since then he was found to be KIA. He is never far from my mind/prayer. I have just ordered a Memorial Bracelet with his name so that once again, he will be close.

Deb W.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

For SSgt Ries and Cpl Kielion

I have 2 anniversary's coming up. I escorted 2 Marines home that were killed in Iraq. SSgt David G. Ries was killed on 8 Nov 2004 and Cpl Shane E. Kielion was killed on 15 Nov 2004. I have never been the same since the day I carried them home from Dover and presented them to their familes and children. I got a tattoo last year on my wrist and always wear my Memorial Bracelets. Every time I put my arm out or hake someone's hand it is an opportunity to tell people about them. Never forget!

Christie W.

For Ashcraft, Lyon, Moore and Martinez

For Sgt Ashcraft, Cpl Lyon, Cpl Moore USMC, honor Lcpl Daniel A. Martinez Feb1st 1991- July 28 2013 gone but never forgotten

Brandon L.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

For Major Andre and Major Sizemore

Major Howard V.  Andre, Jr. and Major James E. Sizemore were recovered and laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery on Sept. 23, 2013. My husband and son, even though they received the new MIA Bracelets, chose to never wear them.  They just couldn't take the old weathered ones off, and the new ones remain in the plastic they arrived in.  

This was a double ceremony, with Major Andre and Sizemore being buried side by side together at the same time, same service, double caissons etc....  At the viewing the night before, my son removed his weathered MIA bracelet and placed it on his grandfathers decorated uniform that rest on top of his remains. My husband and his sister followed suit. They admitted it was hard. Those bracelets had become a part of them after wearing for so many years and they feel naked without them, but Major Andre isn't MIA anymore. They were conflicted but it felt like the right thing to do to lay them to rest with their Father/Grandfather.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For LCDR James A. Beene

I still have my original POW-MIA bracelet from the Vietnam War. It broke, and I got a new one which I still wear. The broken one is kept in a special place. I'm still waiting for LCDR James A. Beene....

Tracie H.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Form AG2 Matthew Michael Flocco

As September 11 approaches, keep those who mourn and hurt in your prayers always, but especially during this time. Bear one another's burdens. I had to replace my Mercy BAND (bear another's name daily), lost it in a military move, but I replaced it with the same name as I got right after 9/11 happened.  The same name I wore on my wrist on my wedding day, and so many days in between. I don't know AG2 Matthew Michael Flocco, or his family, but they are prayed for.  Praying for peace, comfort, and love to surround them.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

For SSG Job Reigoux

My close friend, Job M. Reigoux, was killed in Afghanistan on 1 June 2013, from injuries he sustained thanks to a coward with an RPG. I ordered the bracelet on 2 June, when I learned of his death.
Every person we've lost - every person named on your blog - is a whole person, and there are not words enough to describe the world you lose in the person who is gone. Let me say that he was, at bottom, a Non-Commissioned Officer in every sense of the word, and every NCO that has ever had the honor to wear the stripes will understand the world contained in that statement. As an NCO myself, I ask myself what Job would do when confronted with a situation in which I am unsure what the right answer is. Job has not guided me wrong yet, nor do I think he ever will.

The loss never ends, it reverberates every second of every day. His unit flew home three weeks after he died, and he was supposed to have been transferred to a larger post three days before his death, but the move was postponed. There is great bitterness in knowing that, in knowing that had some Army bureaucrat not changed their mind from the safety of a hardened TOC somewhere, he would still be here. But there is less bitterness when I think of all the things he taught me when he was alive, and all the things he still teaches me now he is gone. There is even greater comfort in knowing that when my time comes, he will be there.

I do not remove this Memorial Bracelet; it has not left my wrist from the moment I opened the package in the mail. When I deploy in future it will be there with me, and so will be he.

SSG Alexandra G.
10th Mountain Division

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

For Marine Embassy Guard Rick

I am a Embassy brat. My family was assigned to India in 1968. There was a Marine Guard there named Rick. He was the youngest one and I was madly in love with him. (lol) I was 7/8. In 68 he was sent to Viet Nam. I've never known what happened to him and I have never forgotten him. I wear a MIA in his honor. But we are forgetting a KIA!!! BENGAZIE! Where is their remembrance? Can anyone tell me?

This Embassy Brat remembers those who Guard:'(

Deboraha M

Monday, August 19, 2013

For Capt. Charles Nasmyth

I wore Capt. Charles Nasmyth's POW Bracelet during the Viet Nam war......he returned to us......Wish I would have been able to have met him or at least communicated and let him know that I wore his braclet......I would have also given it to him if he would have wanted it.....I'm pretty sure I still have it.

Judy R-H

Monday, July 29, 2013

For Cousin Ronnie Zemple

Ordering mine this week to honor my cousin Ronnie Zempel who was lost at sea in Vietnam. As a Gulf War Vet, I thank every Vet out there for your service!

Paul K.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

For SSG Panchot and CPO Faas

I wear one Memorial Bracelet for SSG Dale Panchot and Navy Chief Petty Officer John Faas.  Two Minnesota warriors who gave there life defending and protecting our freedom.

Bravo M.

For Jason Hansen

Yesterday I ordered my Memorial Bracelet to remember Sgt. Jason Hansen. His mother, Vickie Hays, is a friend of mine. I didn't know Sgt. Hansen but know that he was a wonderful young man who was/is admired by many. He is missed every day by his family and friends. I can't wait to be able to honor this young man's memory in this small way.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

For My Australian Brothers in Arms

Cheers guys got my package just recently after my old one from battalion wore out....happy to be showing my respects again.

Never Forget  Never Forgive
Brother By Choice

Jimy S.

Monday, July 22, 2013

For Bowe Bergdahl

In 1972, I was living, & working 7 days a week, in Memphis, Tn, & my birthdate was read over the radio via WLS out of Chicago for the 69 tag pulled from the lottery, .....

I went down to the Memphis AAFEES Station & enlisted, I have had rotten tomatoes, & eggs thrown at me, while boarding aircraft in the US from protesters against the war, but went on to my duty stations, regardless of where they would take me, . . . . I was 18, scared, but sure of my companions, & leadership, & would have followed them into hell if so ordered, . . . . & still would, . . .

Death does not scare me as it used to, but agonizing suffering does, . . . So I would wear one of these POW bracelets for Sgt. Bergdahl with the same pride that I wore our uniform, i have had to go without hot meals for weeks on end, wash up out of a steel pot using the sandy dust for water, & find a place to crap far enough away from our encampment so that the stench would not overpower your senses, without the protection, or convenience of TP, utilizing what ever was at hand, eating 35 year old C-rations on an every meal basis, for weeks on end, . . . & lived out of our vehicles, & doing field maintenance that should have been done on a preparatory basis, instead of waiting for field trials to bring our unreadiness to our attentions, cannabalizing parts off of equipment, to make our vehicles run, & even rewired a deuce & 1/2 with commo wire & still managed to pass a V-Corp inspection, because it was logged as field expedience, . . . . . 

The oath I undertook as an 18 year old has never expired for me, & it never shall, . . . . 
I love my country, & will always defend her, for the rights & liberties that we still enjoy today, . . . . Regardless of who is in office, or what party they may belong to, . . . Has no effect in my judgement, with all of my faculties intact, . . .

John E. O. III

Sunday, July 21, 2013

For HM1 Darrell Enos

I got a Memorial Bracelet today to remember HM1 Darrel Enos KIA, 17 Aug 2012. He was a friend and co-worker of mine when I was stationed in Maryland. It was an honor to serve with him!

Cadance M.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

For Jack VanLoan

I wore a bracelet for Jack VanLoan, during his imprisonment in Viet Nam, continued till I found out he was back home. God Bless all our service men and women, fighting for our freedom now and past.

Barbara W.

For a Fallen Brother in Arms

I received my Memorial Bracelet yesterday for a fallen brother, and I am amazed at the quality of the bracelet, it is absolutely impeccable. It is amazing how much a maybe six-inch strip of aluminum can mean so much to somebody, and it is my most precious possession as of yet. He was my best friend, a brother in arms, and now will he not only live on forever in my heart, but also as a reminder on my wrist.

Thank you so much for what you are doing, thank you so much for honoring my dear friend by making this bracelet for me, and hopefully, I will never have to order a KIA/DOW bracelet from you again.

Thanks SO much and God bless you, and the United States Of America.


Luke from Georgia

Sunday, June 30, 2013

For Lt. Larry Martin

I had a Vietnam Pow bracelet for Lt Larry Martin. He was found...but not alive. I felt so bad for his family. I wore that until he was found in the 80's. I'd wear another one with pride for Sgt. Bergdahl.

Bobi B. B.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

For SSG Robert J. Acalotto

I received my MIA bracelet a month ago. Very happy. I have SSG Robert J. Acalotto. MIA in Laos in 1971. He is the only Westmoreland County, Pa Viet Nam veteran still Missing In Action.

Tim S.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

For Sgt. Rodney Griffin

I, too, wore a POW bracelet in middle school during the 70's for Sgt. Rodney Griffin. My bracelet broke many years ago, but I have always searched for his name praying he was home and safe. I would be proud to wear one for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Vanessa N.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

For Larry J. Stephens

I purchased a POW Bracelet for Lt. Larry J. Stephens, Vietnam, in the late 80's and I wore it faithfully for many years. I put it back on for a few months every year and I think of him often. I never knew him, but I am hoping he returns. I "visit" him at The Wall when I am in DC and I have I a rubbing of his name encased in a frame with my Uncle's field map. I have an awesome shirt with his name on it and I actually met his Aunt many years ago in a fluke way as she was selling the shirts in front of The Wall. You need to Google him....his story is fascinating to say the least. 

I also wear two other Memorial Bracelets.... One in memory of all 52,0000+ who never returned and one in memory of a friends' father who died in The Towers on 9/11. I think wearing these bracelets keeps these people alive in the hearts and minds of the people I come across who ask me about them. I wear mine with pride!

For Capt. John T. West

I've had my 1st bracelet in 1972. I heard about them on a NYC radio WNEW 102-7 FM. You could buy them through the mail at Madison Ave, NYC. In my job I couldn't wear them for safety reasons, and I kept breaking them. I always bought a new one with the same persons name on it, Capt. John T. West, MIA. When the war ended, I sent the bracelet back to be returned to the family. I didn't know whether he was found or returned. Hard to get info back then. Fast forward to now and heard about Memorial Bracelets and I checked out the site and found the Captain's name
in the MIA column. Needless to say it was a heartbreak to see the Captain's name there. I ordered one with his name on it and wear it every day. Hoping some day his family can get closure. My son is getting deployed to Afghanistan in August. My nephew is returning as I write this tribute to Capt. John T. West.

Thanks for your time and Bracelet

Jim D.

Monday, June 24, 2013

For Sgt.Andrew McConnell

I first met Andrew McConnell at North Georgia College and State University; a Military college in Dahlonega Georgia. We were both assigned to 2nd Bat. First platoon in Foxtrot Company. It was a frantic, hard core, "Hooah" kind of  atmosphere - a true Army environment. When walking by any officer, it was required that all new recruits salute, say "good morning/afternoon/evening X" and sound off with your company motto. I can remember many times being worn down, exausted, on the brink of collapse, and hearing McConnell sound off - "GOOD AFTERNOON SIR, KEEP UP THE FIRE!" It was always a morale booster, it seemed to galvanize my spirit and that of everyone in earshot of his shout. He was always like that. After the initial APFT, I realized that I was having a difficult time getting my run time where it should be. McConnell also noticed, and took it upon himself to help me. He would take his free time and go running or swimming with me one on one. He helped me learn to breathe better while running long distances. He made me a stronger individual, thus making our whole platoon stronger. Andrew McConnell understood what it meant to be a soldier, a friend, a brother in arms. It pains me to say that he met an untimely end fighting for those he loved. I know that Andrew is sorely missed... I know there is not a day that goes by where he is not on someone's mind.  I know without a doubt that his attitude towards life, his love for his family, country, and fellow soldiers will endure in the lives of those of us that were lucky enough to know him, Lucky enough to call him a friend.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

For Thomas W. Skiles

I purchased a MIA bracelet in 1972 for Thomas W. Skiles and wore it daily until about five years ago when I lost it shopping for flowers for a friend. He was lost in Cambodia in 1971 and I still hope someday I will be able to say he is still alive. I was so happy to find your site and be able to purchase a new bracelet of the same quality that I had worn for over 36 years as it had become a part of me. I will wear it for many years to come.

Patricia T.

Friday, June 21, 2013

For My Grandfather Frank Green

I order a Memorial Bracelet in remembrance of my Grandfather Frank Green he was a WW2 War Vet. He basically help raise me from the time I was a new born to until me and my mom moved out of on our own. He stilled played a big part in my life until he passed away. He was inspiration to me and all the vets especially WW2 vets I consider them the greatest generation they basically saved the world from destruction.

Amanda M.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

For My Uncle James H. Craig

My uncle, James H. Craig, was KIA in SVN 6 months and 1 day 
before I was born in 1970. I wear my Memorial Bracelet proudly in 
memory & honor of him every day. I love the expressions on 
peoples faces who are familiar with the bracelets and their 
history when they see it and ask me about it. You can tell they 
are surprised that someone who was barely born in that era 
has one, let alone knows it's significance. Thank you for my 
bracelet... it keeps my uncle with me and gives me a solid 
reminder of those men & women who have and are still out 
there protecting me & my family. Bless you all!! 

Heather C-W

Monday, June 03, 2013

For American Hero Major Crocker

I purchased a Memorial Bracelet to honor my fallen friend and true American hero. In a day and age where that phrase is thrown around with little regard to its true meaning. Major Crocker truly represented what it means to be a leader, patriot and a REAL American hero. .... Sempier Fi

For Spec Richard Garcia

I have a aluminum bracelet ordered in 1972 or 1973. I believe the name is M.I.A. I wear it every military holiday, in hopes he will be found one day. It reads: "Spec.5 Richard Garcia 3-71". It matches a Richard Garcia, who went M.I.A. in Laos the same month and year. God Bless all our Service Men and Women and Veterans of all wars.

Roni C.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

For PFC Brandon Meyer

As a constant reminder of lost loved ones or heroes that gave the ultimate sacrifice. I chose to wear a Memorial Bracelets for PFC Brandon Meyer. Brandon was killed in Mosul, Iraq on 28 Jan 2008. You see I meet Brandon's Dad in 2011 in Mosul, Iraq at FOB Marez, his Dad was working for a contracting company there for the military. He told me Brandon's story, it was kind of erie that his dad ended up working were his son had been deployed, I guess in a sense you could say he was finding some closeness to his son, by being stationed there working for the contracting company anyway  I just want Mr. and Mrs Meyer and there daughter to know that Brandon is not forgotten. RIP Brandon. SGT Bruce Kuriscak and SGT Kevin Lang 105th MP co.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

For Sgt. Joseph Bovia

I wear my Memorial Bracelet to remember the bravest man I've ever met...Sgt. Joseph Bovia was a Marine who was KIA on August 31st of 2010. Our moms are best friends and I bought them these bracelets to honor him and his memory. Joey you are missed by all who had the honor to meet you.

Mel Lockwood

For Mates Joshua Nathan Noel Porter, Jason Thomas Brown and Blaine Flower Diddams

Just wanted to let you know I have received my Memorial Bracelet, thank you very much. It is just what I wanted to remeber my mates with. I have attached some photos as asked and will give you a little back ground on them.  The first is my mate and I on new years eve with our Memorial Braclets on in front of our American TF apaches. The second is my Memorial Bracelet on my arm with our flag showing against my Tattoo. 

The next three are my mates that I have lost. 

Joshua Nathan Noel Porter (Ports) was lost when the black hawk he was riding in crashed during fastrope training onto the deck of HMAS Kanimbla before spinning off its edge and sinking off the coast of Fiji in 2006. His SAS Squadron was deployed there as part of a plan to rescue Australian Nationals from a coup that was underway. Josh did his selection into The Regiment a few years ahead of me and I was still in our old Infantry Battalion when I heard the news after returning from a run one morning that his chopper had crashed.

Jason Thomas Brown (Jase) and I served in the same Recon Platoon as Josh and he also did selection a year ahead of me. He was on a mission in Afghanistan targeting a known Taliban leader in 2010. After the completion of the clearance phase of the mission and on their way to extraction his patrol was passing some thick black berry bushes when a PKM opened up from within at close range. Jason was struck several times and killed in the initial fire. I was in Adelaide while completing HAPO training as part of my SAS reinforcment cylce and nursing a hangover when a mutual friend rang me with the news.

Finally there was Blaine Flower Diddams (Didds), I was Didds Scout/Point man on my second rotation into Afghanistan this year when we flew into Chora Valley targeting another known Taliban leader. Shortly after landing myself and one other contacted two Insurgents (INS) before getting pinned down at very close range my a PKM. Didds and two other members came up to reinforce us and we attempted a grenade assualt to clear the position. After giving quick battle orders (QBO) Blaine gave the order to follow him while myself and one other exposed ourselves and threw grenades. Blaine was struck in the intital bound and killed instantly. It was nearly twenty minutes before we could get him out by chopper and another three hours before we completed the mission and got home. It was our last mission for that trip and we were set to head home only five days later.

Incidently one of the other members in the fight that day and I put our hand up to come back again just three months later. He is the other guy in the first photo with me infront of the apache and I am again a Scout/Point man, this time for his patrol.

Thanks again mate

Strength and Honor