Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I Wanted To Show How Strongly I Felt About My Brother And His Mission

I am the brother of a serviceman in the middle east. I wanted to show how strongly I felt about my support for him and the mission that he and his colleagues are involved in. I purchased a bracelet in the early summer and wore it everyday since. Until one evening I realized it had fallen off. I frantically searched for it and couldn't find it. I figured I would not miss it but found myself sitting in front of the computer at midnight that evening ordering a replacement. I had committed to memory the solder who gave his life for his country and ordered a bracelet with his name on it again. I was very pleased when I saw on your site that I could order a larger size. I have had it on since it showed up. It has become a popular of jewelry at my place of employment as many folks have ordered their own for their own very personal reasons.

Thanks again,

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