Tuesday, September 09, 2008

For My First Love Ricky Lynn Herndon

I ordered my Memorial Bracelet remembering Ricky Lynn Herndon because he was my first love. They say you never forget your first love and its the truth. I met Ricky when we were both 15, in 1957. He was one of the smartest, nicest, decent and loving person I had ever met, and I have yet to meet anyone that comes close to being the man he was. He is the last thing I think of at night, and his picture is the first thing I see in the morning. It has been over forty years now, but my love is as strong if not stronger than ever.
I happened onto your website by accident, and was so glad I could do something like this. I think being able to order a bracelet honoring your special person is a wonderful thing. I wear my bracelet with love and pride all the time.
I will be forever grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your note concerning your Memorial bracelet. I am Ricky Lynn Herndon's daughter. It makes me feel good to know that my father is remembered. If you see this please e-mail me at businessoffice@davisdentalclinic.com.
Lynn Herndon