Monday, April 21, 2008

To Keep a High School Friend in My Thoughts

My bracelet arrived today and it is exceptional. I am wearing it to keep a high school friend in my thoughts. I had written you earlier to explain that I was replacing the one that I wore to keep Matt Maupin in my thoughts. Since his remains have been identified and he is returning home I have replaced his bracelet with my friend's. I believe that I had attached a photo of myself and two other friends that do the Run for the Wall motorcycle ride from LA to DC each May. The bracelet that you sent me is of much higher quality and workmanship than the ones that I have purchased on the Mall in DC. I will wear it proudly. I have given your web-site to a number of my friends (of the Viet Nam era) and suggested that it is a way to remember friends and relatives that are forever locked in the Wall. I will wear mine proudly.

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