For the last four years I've been re-wearing my Memorial Bracelet for LtCol. Robert David Morrissey. The Morrissey's are family friends from the 70's. My brother and I grew hanging around with David Morrissey, than Major Morrissey's son, in Las Vegas,NV. When I was in high school the Major was shot down over North Viet Nan, and we all wore a bracelet for the family. Well about four years ago while I was the net I found your site a ordered a bracelet to replace the one I had; the first one wore out, anyway the one I ordered wasn't highlighted in black like the one I had in high school; but I still wore it with pride. People are always asking about it so when I went back to your site your and saw that they were now available highlighted in black.
Now when someone asks about it not only will I tell the Colonel story, but now everyone can see his name and that he'll always be remembered. It's just my way to say I miss Col. Morrissey, he was always a great man, but after reading his story I'm afraid he might have passed away in some Russian work camp years ago. Well, that's my reason. To some it may not seem like much, but he made me feel like I was part of his/their family.
Trooper Nevada Highway Patrol
1 comment:
I just wanted to thank Jim for wearing that bracelet. I am Col. Morrissey's youngest child. I was googling my dad's name and found this link. I was very touched to find one of my brothers old friends remembered my family and my dad.
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