Saturday, December 15, 2007

For My Great Uncle Who Fought In WWI

I just received my Memorial Bracelet from you guys and let me just tell you all, it is great!.  Thank you for a great craftmenship.  

I love the bracelet.  I have worn it for a few times already when I have gone outside the wire on convoys and it has gotten a bit cover in stuff.  But it cleans up nicely and just as new as the day I got it.

I order my bracelet after doing some research on family relatives that have served in the military throughout the past.  I came across a great-uncle who joined the Infantry in 1918 for WWI and found out that during his ship crossing of the Atlantic Ocean to go to Europe, his ship hit another ship and sank, thus leaving him to drown.  After seeing other family relatives that have served in different wars, I felt that it would be fitting to have a bracelet worn in his honor and while I am serving over here in Iraq.

Attached, you will find a picture of me wearing my new bracelet.

Thanks again,

SGT Eric

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