Thursday, October 26, 2006

For Michael and Ricky

I received the bracelet and it really moved me. It is really nice and reminds me to pray for my friend Michael and those he left behind.

I knew Michael his whole life. He and his family were friends of our family. I married a girl a few doors down from Michael's home.

Michael was murdered during the attacks on the WTC. Michael's best friend and friend of mine Ricky Caprone were also murdered that day.

I am a firefighter in Bushkill, Pa.. I moved up here 15 years ago from N.Y.. Michael helped Theresa and I move into our new home. As you can see Michael was a constant thread in my life. I wear the bracelet to remind me that life can be stolen at any moment and to remember those that had their lives taken way to soon. It reminds me to pray and to count the blessings I have.

Thank you for the chance to have a visual reminder of what I need to be doing. Praying!


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