Sunday, January 20, 2002

For Firefighter Sean P. Tallon

I ordered a bracelet with the name Sean P. Tallon, a firefighter who died at the WTC.  I live in Battery Park City, just across West St. from the WTC, and Sean was a member of Latter 10, who shared space in our local firehouse with Engine 10.  In the short month that I lived in BPC prior to the attacks, I became acquainted with Sean on my daily walks past his firehouse to the WTC to get my subway uptown to school.  I was so shocked to see his picture among the missing firemen in the NY Times that week, and I have been determined to keep his memory alive.  This bracelet is thus fare the best way I can image of doing so.  Thank you for doing means so much to literally be able to keep Sean's memory with me all day long.  

Gina L.

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