Sunday, March 18, 2007

So No One Else Forgets Sgt. Hobbs

I ordered this to replace one that was lost while I was bodyboarding. I was deployed to OEF 5 with HHC 2/5 INF along with Sgt Hobbs. We had been there almost six months when he was killed, it was a shock because we thought we were on a pretty lucky streak. But I guess it ran out, and the next six weren't so nice to us. Maybe it was because he was the first soldier in a unit I was in killed, or because I worked with him several times. Once through an entire night loading a plane with equipment to be sent in advance...but I won't let him specifically be forgotten. Not that any other soldier is less important in any way. I just hope no one else forgets.

2/35 INF-Kirkuk, Iraq

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