Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Honor of SSGT Matt Maupin

My name is Malcolm and I have had the honour to wear several of your Memorial Bracelets in recent times. I bought one in honor of SSGT Matt Maupin whose Aunt attended a church my family was also attenting in Cincinnati. I was priveledged to give it personally to his mother on the day that his remains were returned to her.

Also, I had another bracelet custom made by your company with the names of the last two Australian servicemen listed as MIA from Vietnam. They were the crew members of a B57 Canberra bomber that was lost after a close support mission and never heard from again. After many years of pressuring the Australian and Vietnamese governments by several organizations search and recovery missions were commenced and these two airmen and the other Diggers who where unaccounted for were all finally located and their remains returned to their families in Australia. I had previously worn another bracelet with the names of these two men for a number of years until it finally wore out and broke. At which time a replacement was ordered from Memorial Bracelets. No sooner had this new one arrived than I learned that the remains of the two men named on it had been located and itentified, thus closing the long, sad and proud story of Australians' service in the Republic of Vietnam. At this time I felt very strongly that I should do something to honor these men and their sacrifice. Since returning the bracelet to their families was not feasible (both names were on it so who would receive it) I decided to send it to the current commanding officer of their squadron; No.2 Squadron, RAAF based at RAAF Williamtown about 100 miles north of Sydney. Some time after sending the bracelet I received a very kind letter from the Officer commanding No.2 Sqn in which he said that he was very appreciative of the gesture and that I could be assured that my bracelet would be placed in a position of honour on the squadron's officers' mess where it could be seen by all and would be appreciated by all as well.

I thought that you might want to know that your work does not only honor this country's service personnel but has had an impact on the other side of the Pacific as well. Keep up the fine work!


Malcolm H.

PS I plan th order another bracelet shortly in honor of my Uncle who was lost in 1944 off the south coast of Norway while serving with the RAF and whose body was never recovered.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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