I located your site after a friend was killed in action in Operation Iraqi Freedom and I wanted a way to always remember him. The bracelet I ordered is in memory of SrA Jason D. Nathan. SrA Nathan was stationed at Royal Air Force, Lakenheath in the UK and was one of a handful of Airman that I had direct contact with every single day. Airman Nathan was very intelligent and dedicated to the United States and the Air Force. His dedication and professionalism was the first things I noticed about him. While deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom I received word that Airman Nathan had been killed in a roadside bombing attack near Tirkit, Iraq. Having known him personally I wanted a constant reminder of his sacrifice and the consequences of serving in today's military. Wearing Airman Nathan's bracelet is my way of honoring him and continuing his dedication to duty that is demanded of all US service members.
SSgt Neal USAF
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