Thursday, September 28, 2006

For Brad Beste

On Aug 4, 2006 my daughter's high school classmate and a close family friend was kill in Iraq. Sgt. Brad Beste was serving his second tour in Iraq and received a Purple Heart during his first tour. Just 8 month's prior, this young 22yr. old soldier had Christmas dinner with my family. He was in the process deciding whether or not to return to Iraq for a second tour. In the end, Brad's commitment to his country and the loyalty he felt to his fellow soldiers won him over and he returned to Iraq.

I will proudly wear this bracelet to honor Sgt. Brad Beste. Brad's smile, sense of humor, and true friendship will be missed, but nothing will overshadow the ultimate sacrifice that he and many other soldiers have made so that all Americans can continue to enjoy the freedom that symbolizes the United States of America. Thank you, and God Bless you, Sgt. Bradley H. Beste.


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